Content warnings

On this page you can find content warnings for our upcoming productions, which will provide you with additional information about sensitive topics which are included within their plot or dialogue.

To view a set of warnings, press the down arrow next to the production title.

If you would like any further details about the context or detail of any of these warnings, please get in touch with our Sales & Welcome Team on 0131 228 1404 or

A Play, A Pie & A Pint - Wasps: Tue 25 - Sat 29 Mar

Contains strong language, descriptions cancer, parental illness and death

PASS Double Bill: After Life: Wed 26 - Thu 27 Mar

Contains strong language and themes of death.

PASS Double Bill: Counterpunch: Wed 26 - Thu 27 Mar

Contains strong language, themes of poor mental health, and depictions of substance misuse, physical violence and blood.

A Play, A Pie & A Pint - Dancing Shoes: Tue 1 - Sat 5 Apr

Contains themes and references to addiction and substance abuse.

Kendal Mountain Tour 2025: Tue 15 Apr

Plunge contains allusions to self-harm.

A Little Inquest Into What We Are All Doing Here: Thu 24 - Fri 25 Apr

Contains haze, themes of child abuse, queerphobia and censorship, mentions of death threats and suicide and strong language.

Stupid Sexy Poem Show: Sat 26 Apr

Contains flashing lights, sudden noises, adult themes, strong language, references to sexual violence/assault and references to transphobia & homophobia.

Failure Project: Thu 15 - Fri 16 May

Contains flashing lights and themes around suicide.

Support resources:

Black Minds Matter
Samaritans - 116 123

Every Brilliant Thing: Wed 4 - Sat 7 Jun

Contains themes and references to suicide, depression, death and mental health issues.

Support resources:

Samaritans - 116 123
SAMH - 0344 800 0500 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)

Black Hole Sign: Wed 8 - Sat 18 Oct

Contains strong language, themes of death and references to suicide.