24 young people / 25 workshops / 10 plays
Next stop on the tour was to Inverness where we partnered with Eden Court to deliver workshops and a showcase with Nairn Academy, Kingussie High School, and Wick High School.
Key to all of our tour stops’ success has been our partnerships with local venues. They’ve given us access to rehearsal space and their wonderful tech teams, supported with recruiting local facilitators and actors, and advocated with us to get schools on board. National projects like this aren’t possible without sharing resources, local knowledge and expertise, and a passion for the project.
It gave them the opportunity to feel recognised and heard. It gave them so much autonomy, ownership to some young people who had never felt that before. For the majority their first experience of Eden Court and watching theatre.
[Class Act] was incredible. It was very hard to think that this was actually going to get performed in front of the public and it was just an amazing experience.

Enjoy this script from the Highlands collection:
By Zara & Megan
ALLY: I can’t believe Miss Sharp kept us here for freaking detention. We only talked a little (rolls eyes).
SHAKIRA: Omg I know!! It’s so unfair. But I heard that Jonathan and Chad are in detention with us!!
ALLY: Wait really?! Let’s hurry up and go to the class then.
SHAKIRA: Wait, lemme pee first.
ALLY: Uh, Shakira, hurry up!
After SHAKIRA pees, they run to detention before stopping at the door.
SHAKIRA: (Stops and looks through the glass panel of the door) OMG OMG OMG there they are!!
ALLY: AAAHH, they’re so cute!!
SHAKIRA: SHOOSH!! They might hear you!
The boys turn in their seats and the girls hide behind the door.
ALLY: You ready?
SHAKIRA: I’m ready.
The girls walk in and give each other a look before sitting down.
ALLY: How are they so cute?!
SHAKIRA: I knowww!!!
THE BOYS glance at each other, whisper and put their hands up.
CHAD: Yo! Miss can we go to the toilet?
JONATHAN: Yeah, we really need to go.
MISS SHARP: Uh, you both need to go?
CHAD: Uh….yeah?
JONATHAN: Got a prob?
MISS SHARP: No, no, no prob! Off you’s go!
CHAD and JONATHAN leave the room.
SHAKIRA: They are so cute.
ALLY: Why would they leave us though?
SHAKIRA: I don’t know, maybe we make them too nervous.
ALLY: Yeah, we are too gorgeous, we should go look for them.
SHAKIRA: What do we tell the teacher?
ALLY: Say you feel sick or something I don’t know.
SHAKIRA puts up her hand.
SHAKIRA: Can I go to the toilet please? I feel sick.
MISS SHARP: Oh my, yes of course. Ally, go with her please.
They leave the class.
SHAKIRA: Omg! Can’t believe she actually let us! Gullible much!
ALLY: I know right haha.
Power goes out.
ALLY: What the hell.
SHAKIRA: The power went out DUH.
ALLY: Well obviously (rolls eyes), here I’ll get my phone torch.
SHAKIRA: Should we go back or still look for Chad? Oh and Jonathan.
Chairs in the canteen crash and bang together.
ALLY: What on earth?
SHAKIRA: Maybe that’s them? Should we check?
ALLY: I already know it’s them running for us.
SHAKIRA and ALLY jump up and down from joy.
Two shadows approach.
ALLY: Is that them?
SHAKIRA: Yeah, I think so!!
The shadows get closer.
ALLY: It smells like…weird? Do you smell that?
SHAKIRA: It smells…dead. The blood you know.
ALLY: Yeah, that’s exactly it. OMG…Shakira…look….
SHAKIRA: What? Oh, my God-
CHAD and JONATHAN approach the girls, ALLY holds up her phone torch and sees the boys dripping with blood and holding knives.
JONATHAN: Hey ladies.
Chad lifts up his knife.