We are completely and utterly over the moon to have won the Carol Tambor Best of Edinburgh Award for Mouthpieceby Kieran Hurley.
A hit amongst audiences and critics alike, Mouthpiece takes a deeply personal look at the different Edinburghs which often exist in ignorance of one another, and examines whether it’s possible to tell someone else’s story without exploiting them along the way.
Playwright, Kieran Hurley commentated:
'I am so grateful and so moved by this recognition for Mouthpiece, which has been a labour of love, which the Traverse never gave up on. Mouthpiece is a play about Edinburgh and of Edinburgh, so to have this acknowledgement at the Fringe is incredibly meaningful to me, a boy from Restalrig, who grew up thinking this bonkers thing is what happens in every city in summertime.'
Presented annually since 2004, the award seeks to discover the best new play at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and has an attached prize fund aimed to facilitate a New York transfer of the winning production.
This is the second year running Traverse Theatre Company has been awarded the accolade following the confrontational and brutally funny Ulster American by David Ireland at Traverse Festival 2018.
Get ready New York, Edinburgh is coming for you.