Every year, we open our script submissions window seeking bold, brilliant and innovative new plays. Today, our 2020 window opens and we're looking for you and your stories.
Open Submissions is a key way that we get to know you, the writers, whose work will be occupying our stages for years to come.
We’re looking for plays exploring big ideas and for writers that have something new to say about the world today and where we might be headed. Whether you’re an established playwright or a first-time writer with a brilliant story, we want to hear from you.
We don’t expect the plays that come to us to be perfectly polished. In fact, we prefer when they aren’t –because we’re looking for scripts that we can collaborate on with writers that we’re excited about. We want to work with you to create that final product. As such, some of the most promising plays submitted will receive bespoke dramaturgical support and development from our artistic team.
We particularly encourage submissions from voices and communities which are under-represented in theatre — both onstage and off.
Ready to send us your script? Brilliant! Head to our Open Submissions page to read the guidelines before submitting your play.
If you have questions, head to the Open Submissions – FAQ page.
The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2020
Find out more about Open Submissions
Open Submissions is supported by the Foyle Foundation, with additional support from The Nimar Charitable Trust, The Russell Trust, The RKT Harris Charitable Trust, The Steel Charitable Trust, The Turtleton Charitable Trust and The William Syson Charitable Foundation.
Image: Lara Cappelli