The Scottish theatre community is in need of support more than ever in light of the arts funding news this week. Gareth Nicholls, Artistic Director of the Traverse, said of this week's news:
"We at the Traverse wanted to use our platform to the world on the final day of the festival to make you aware of this, and of the significant impact funding cuts are having on our nation’s artists and theatres.
New work in Scotland doesn't come from nothing. And one of the key ways this has been achieved is through an open fund where an individual artist can ask for money when their idea is but a seed.
The open fund is the incubator for Scottish work, but Creative Scotland has been forced to close the fund at 2pm on Friday. It will be closed indefinitely, due to the Scottish Government being unable to confirm funding for its delivery.
Many on our stages, and whose work you’ve enjoyed at the festivals, have been dependent upon it, alongside wider arts subsidy. It is a fund that helps build careers and craft to get an idea off the ground, and which helps places like the Traverse keep our theatres alive with bold new ideas.
If you enjoy seeing Scottish work right here in Scotland, then please continue to support the artists who make the powerful work that appears our stages."
Further information can be found at www.campaignforthearts.org