The Traverse is delighted to announce, in partnership with the University of Edinburgh, a new Collaborative Doctoral Award: Pasts, Presents and Futures of Digitally-Mediated Theatre.
In partnership with the Arts, Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH) this will be a paid 3.5 year full-time/7year part-time funded Collaborative Doctoral Award examining the recent past, present and futures of digitally-mediated performances.
This research, conducted in collaboration with the Traverse Theatre, aims to explore how innovative digital practices can enhance audience experiences in theatre. By studying the production and distribution of digital theatre content alongside live performances, we seek to create compelling experiences and new forms of value for both theatre-makers and audiences. Our findings will provide guidance for navigating digital futures in the cultural sector, building on pandemic-era learnings and embracing new innovations like AI, gaming, and immersive technologies.
This multi-disciplinary research post will examine the recent past, present and future of digitally-mediated performances by: 1) pursuing in-depth case studies of recent digitally-mediated performances and their value, for audiences and theatre-makers; 2) creatively engaging theatre-makers across Scotland in reflection of current and potential future applications of digitally-mediated performances 3) working alongside, studying and contributing to the delivery of an innovative digitally-mediated programme at the Traverse.
The Traverse will be opening up our archives and offices for the successful participant to get to the heart of the organisation and have the chance to delve into digital theatre practice and how it has evolved over the years. Our Director of External Affairs, Ellen Gledhill, will also be acting as a supervisor for the position, alongside Dr. Chris Elsden & Prof. Melissa Terras of the Institute of Design Informatics.
This is a very unique and interdisciplinary opportunity. In particular, we’re seeking a sharp student with:
- Masters-level degree (or equivalent professional experience) in Design (e.g. Service, Experience, Interaction), Digital Media, Cultural Economy, Arts Management, Theatre Studies, Digital Humanities or any area relevant to the PhD
- Experience of qualitative and / or design-led research methods
- Interests and/or experience of data-driven innovation in the cultural sector
The advert closes on Wed 17 Apr, and the studentship is for a Sept 2024 start date. Please see the advert for full details of eligibility, criteria and application process.
To apply for the role, and find out more about the person specification please click below.
Apply Here
This link will take you to the Traverse Opportunities page, with more details about the role and how to apply.