So long TravFest and thanks for the memories!

After a busy August at the Traverse, it’s time to say goodbye to TravFest 23 and round up on some of the wonderful times we shared, as we continue to look to the future.
What a Traverse Festival it has been! - not only did it mark our sixtieth year, but we also saw a record 9 stage productions bear the Traverse name across the month.
Amidst this all, four key ideas have encapsulated our 60th anniversary, and we saw them all in spades during the epitome of the Trav calendar.

We are immensely proud to have had 9 productions bearing the Traverse Theatre Company name this August. By staging brand new commissions in world premiere productions - Isobel McArthur's Fringe First Award-Winning The Grand Old Opera House Hotel and Kieran Hurley's five-star dark comedy ADULTS - and bringing back audience favourites including Bloody Elle and NASSIM, as well as supporting other bold works to debut at the festival such as After The Act and No Love Songs, we have witnessed some of the most thrilling and impactful stories on our stages - a feeling that will stick with us well beyond the festival month.
Front and centre of our building decorations and taking over all the nooks and crannies of the Traverse, Last Chance to Save The Planet was a highlight of our Monday programme activity.
A protest. A rallying cry. An occupation. This was a chance to get the urgent voices of young people from across Scotland on stage and in their own words talk about the climate emergency and what we can do with the final chance we have.

Another moment to remember was our reading of new Traverse commission and upcoming production Street Soccer: #SameTeam.
Working with the charity Street Soccer and written through co-creation workshops with the Dundee Women’s Street Soccer Team, this production is about telling a universal story of community and friendship, that is firmly rooted in Scotland. Commissions and new plays like these are all about engaging with the community to create shows that tell improtant stories for now. Street Soccer's work to support people experiencing homelessness through sport, plus their connection to the Homeless World Cup, is exactly the kind of epic storiy we want to see on our stages - and beyond!
So watch this space for further news on the play's development very soon.

As ever with the Traverse, evolution and the next step are always at the forefront of our minds.The Grand Old Opera House Hotel is straight off to Dundee Rep to dazzle audiences there, as they have been doing all Festival. So, if you didn’t get a chance to catch it - or loved it so much you want to join the team at the Scomodo Hotel once more - here’s your chance!
Smash hit superstar Lauryn Redding is also about to take the West End by storm with Bloody Elle, playing a limited run at the Lyric Theatre in London, be sure to catch her there. More information here.
And here at the Traverse in Edinburgh we aren’t taking much of a break either; it’s into a new season of A Play, A Pie and a Pint on Tue 19 Sep, and then our Autumn Season is ready to kick off with plenty to look forward to such, inclduing Stellar Quines’ Disciples, I, Daniel Blake and Battery Park.
Thank you for joining us for TravFest23 and helping to make it such a success. We look forward to seeing you again very soon as we continue to mark 60 years of evolution.