Traverse Theatre is a not-for-profit organisation, and we rely on the generosity of our Supporters to continue championing new stories and storytellers.

  • A gift of £100 could provide captioning of a short digital work, making our work more accessible.
  • A gift of £50 could cover a one-on-one dramaturgy session, providing writers with bespoke feedback.
  • A gift of £10 could pay for a bursary place in a Traverse Young Writers session, nurturing young talent from diverse backgrounds.

Make a one-off contribution or set-up a regular donation to support our work year-round:


Donate £50 To...

Don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation if you can! If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donation, the Traverse will be able to claim 25p for every £1 you give - a further vital contribution toward our work. Should you wish to add a Gift Aid declaration in relation to your donation please email our team.

As a registered charity, the Traverse receives regular public subsidy, however, this usually only accounts for less than 1/3 of our income. We raise the remaining funds by relying on the support we receive from Trusts and Foundations, corporate partnerships, grants, and passionate individuals. Any profits we generate from box office income, our script shop, our bar and any of our other activities, are ploughed back into creating new writing theatre and offering opportunities to develop the next generation of theatre makers and theatre-goers.

We are extremely thankful for all those who have supported, and continue to support the Traverse Theatre and its extraordinary community of artists and audiences throughout the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the cost of living crisis. By donating to the Traverse, you support the discovery of new talent, the staging of ambitious productions, and opportunities for everyone to experience our theatre and tell their stories with us. Your donation will help us to discover and develop creativity in those who tell stories we all want - and need - to hear.

Find out more about supporting our work both onstage and online...

To find out more about supporting our work here at the Traverse, get in touch with Head of Development, James Pierce –