Traverse Theatre wants to raise awareness of the different ways you can support Traverse Theatre. Whether that is by donating, buying tickets to see our shows, or spreading the word about our work, any profits we generate from box office income, our script shop, our bar and any of our other activities, are ploughed back into creating new writing theatre and offering opportunities to develop the next generation of theatremakers and theatre-goers.

Some ways you can support the Traverse Theatre:

1) Come and see our work

Yup, it’s as easy as that. In fact, why not make a night out of it and invite some friends?

Explore our What's On page here!

Image: Same Team, Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

2) Make a donation

Enable our work with emerging artists and producing new plays by becoming a Traverse donor. A quick one-off donation will keep our wheels turning, and a regular donation will help keep Scottish theatre vibrant going forward.


Donate £30 To...

3) Treat yourself to a pint!

Arrive early for your show and enjoy a drink at the bar. All the profits go back into helping us create urgent and important new work. Get a tasty pint, invest in the Traverse. A win-win.

4) Be an online friend and advocate

Do you love our work? Help to spread our work and message by liking, re-tweeting and sharing the buzz about the Traverse.

Check us out on our socials:




5) Tell someone about our £1 tickets

Anyone under 25, or of any age receiving any low-income benefits is eligible for Traverse £1 tickets. All you have to do is sign up and buy tickets through your Traverse account! Pass it on...

6) Buy a play script from our online shop

The Traverse Script Shop is back in business! Here you can buy scripts, CDs and other merchandise related to our shows, both previous and current. Anything you buy directly funds the work we do and the shows we stage.

7) Do your own fundraising

Dedicate your birthday, wedding or other milestones in your life to Traverse Theatre, and ask your friends, family, and community to help us raise vital funds.
Set up a Facebook Fundraiser here or click the 'Support us' button on our Instagram page.