Edinburgh Tradfest: #WorldPlayAStrathspeyDay

Sat 3 May, 3pm

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Don't miss our unmissable annual #WorldPlayAStrathspeyDay featuring a concert with an outstanding line-up.

Pianist Rory Matheson joins acclaimed fiddlers Laura Wilkie, Anna Robertson and Adam Sutherland for an afternoon of traditional Scottish music including strathspeys, reels and marches.

And speaking of strathspeys, you can be part of the global music celebration! Part of #WorldPlayAStrathspeyDay involves musicians worldwide sharing their love of Scottish music by recording themselves playing a strathspey and uploading the video online . Simply record yourself playing a strathspey on any instrument, then share your video or audio recording to social media using the hashtag #WorldPlayAStrathspeyDay.

Programmed in collaboration with Hands Up for Trad and presented by Simon Thoumire.

Explore more Tradfest events.

The Traverse Theatre is funded by Creative Scotland and The City of Edinburgh Council.

If you have access requirements, please contact our Sales and Welcome Team on boxoffice@traverse.co.uk or 0131 228 1404 so we can arrange reserved seating for you and discuss how else we can best support your visit.

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