Espen Eriksen Trio

Wed 11 Sep, 8PM

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“Superb musicians at the top of their game” - BBC

Espen Eriksen Trio is one of the most popular piano trios in Europe. With it’s highly melodic and lyrical instrumentals and “less is more” approach, the Norwegian trio is often credited for its unique voice within today’s jazz scene by the international press. To quote BBC in their review of the trio’s second album “A wonderfully plaintive jazz record, abandoned to the lost art of melodic minimalism, stripped back and beautifully near bare. No smoke and mirrors, just the graceful chemistry of superb musicians at the top of their game”.

Espen Eriksen Trio also has an ongoing collaboration with the British saxophone star Andy Sheppard, resulting in two studio albums, one live album and multiple tours in Europe, including two sold out concerts at the London Jazz Festival broadcasted by BBC Radio.

After 17 years, seven critically acclaimed records and worldwide touring, the trio is tighter than ever and has reached an almost telepathic level of interplay. And a global audience certainly have embraced the trio’s unique sound built upon a rich repertoire all signed pianist Eriksen.

Espen Eriksen Trio has a loyal fan base in the UK and before the summer they sold out venues like Ronnie Scott’s and St George’s Bristol. The music presented at Traverse Theatre will be a mix of new songs from their latest album “As Good As It Gets”  - elected the 6th best jazz album in 2023 by Jazzwise – and songs from their previous albums. So, in jazz critic par excellence Stuart Nicholson’s words; get ready for “one of the most unified, individual and recognizable group sounds in European jazz"

Espen Eriksen
: piano/compositions // Lars Tormod Jenset: double bass // Andreas Bye: drums

Espen Eriksen Trio is part of the Traverse's £1 Ticket Project.

The Traverse Theatre is funded by Creative Scotland and The City of Edinburgh Council.

If you have access requirements, please contact our Sales and Welcome Team on or 0131 228 1404 so we can arrange reserved seating for you and discuss how else we can best support your visit.

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