
Mary Jane Wells & Scottish Theatre Producers By Mary Jane Wells
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Based on the true story of US soldier Danna Davis.

A survivor of military sexual trauma, hers is a human story exploring healing, forgiveness and what speaking your truth really means - with grit, lyricism and necessary black humour.

On a dangerous mission inside a combat zone, Sgt Davis must work with the perpetrator of her sexual attack to get her squad home safely. Will peace ever be possible?

This show is taking part in our £1 Tickets project

Supported by Creative Scotland.
Image: Hayley Samartin/ Corbellini Collective


'A triumph in storytelling and acting...this is theatre done so right' ★★★★★ Reviewsphere

'Heart wrenching, gut punching, elegant and explosive' ★★★★ The Skinny

'Hilarious and chilling, fascinating and gloriously entertaining - even as it bites hard' ★★★★ All Edinburgh Theatre

'Eye opening...a commanding performance' ★★★★ The Stage

'A compelling story of resilience and survival. A clean and focused production' ★★★★ The Scotsman

Each performance will be followed by a discussion with a curated panel of military, legal and survivor advocate experts:

Thu 30 Jan
UK Armed Forces and the prevalence of sexual assault: Why does it happen?

Emma Norton, Lawyer for Liberties Civil Rights and Sharon Hardy, campaigner and a Scottish military representative, discuss and debate how Scotland is doing in the light of the latest report from the MOD about sexual assault in the armed forces.

Fri 31 Jan
Q&A with creative team and Danna.

An anonymised Q&A with the soldier behind the story giving the audience the opportunity to ask question of both her and the show's creative team.

Sat 1 Feb
Power and abuse: the representation of the survivor experience in art.

In the wake of Harvey Weinstein’s trial, Mhairi Morrison, an LA-based Scottish survivor within the entertainment industry, discusses the state of play of the #metoo movement today, and reflects on the role of art within it.

In the press


  • Writer & PerformerMary Jane Wells
  • DirectorSusan Worsfold
  • Lighting DesignerGeorge Tarbuck
  • Sound DesignerMatt Padden

Behind the Scenes

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